Telephone: 07624 477062
President and Assistant Charity Secretary: Stuart McKenzie, 5 The Fountains, Ramsey
Chairman: David Furnival, Thie Varrey, Port E Vullen, Maughold
Secretary: Catherine Douglas, 14 Thirlmere Avenue, Onchan
Company secretary George Monk, 11 Coburn Drive, Ramsey
Treasurer: Gillian Jopson, Thie Nyn Garey, Westbourne Close, Ramsey; assistant treasurer George Monk, 11 Coburn Drive, Ramsey
Project Manager: Dennis Curphey, Andreas. Telephone (0930 – 1230) 07624 477062
Trustees: David Furnival, Cath Douglas, D Curphey, B Bagley, M Kenyon, S Taylor, G Jopson and J Tracey
Registered charity number: 1210
It is also a company limited by guarantee number 130823C